The Legitimacy of "Galactic Federation of Light"

 I have a few points to present to support the notion that the Galactic Federation of Light may not be what we think it is. It is shown in a positive light throughout a division in the New Age Community, however the energy I feel is a bit off. Something doesn't feel right, and I feel weird every time I watch a video about them. Assuming I'm not having a lapse in judgment, let's look at a few things.

1. Galactic Federation of Light has the same numerical value as these words...

Office of Naval Intelligence

Reptilian Queen

Four Horsemen

Scottish Rite

Illuminati Sacrifice

Oh No Hell Is A Horrible Place

Cast Souls

and others.

2. Former Israeli space security chief announces the existence of aliens and a "Galactic Federation of Light." The fact that they're Jewish says one thing, and the fact that this is put in the public eye by mainstream media outlets and talk shows, widely reported says another thing.

3. Testimonies

Testimony # 1: Here's a video by Ryan Cropper, with his claims of unconsciously being tricked into working for the Galactic Federation of Light. In my eyes, anyone that grabs you and tries to make you unconsciously provide information is suspicious. The way that he talked about was obviously implying their sinister nature. From what he said though, at least it was pretty calm. They didn't hurt him at least.

That concludes my investigation into the legitimacy of the Galactic Federation of Light. I saw someone on Reddit claim that they're just a bunch of negative E.T.s, which doesn't surprise me.


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