A.I. is a huge threat to humans

 A.I. mustn't get involved in activities that involve the right hemisphere of the brain. The part of life that should be resonant with our soul, or spontaneously inspired by Spirit. Creativity. Even recycling energy from a bunch of artists you listen to is 1,000,000 times better than an A.I. getting involved in our creative works. Even technical work I prefer that humans perform them instead of A.I. performing them, but absolutely not A.I performing creative work. Creativity should come from the heart and soul, and if it isn't then what is your motive for it? Business? Money? Why even bother then? I have a huge problem when business becomes mixed with creative work. Or at least when business takes it all over. The substance in creative work comes from our being, our consciousness. That's what makes us so special, that's what makes art so amazing. Art is an important part of our wellbeing.


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