
Showing posts from August, 2023

2/3/2023 post

 Today was a good day. I'm not going to say why, though. I just wanna talk about spiritual stuff. So... hm... what to talk about... When I look around me, I see "energy"... it's like fuzzy static. If you pay attention maybe you can see it too. It's always there. I wonder if it's my third eye seeing it or my physical eyes. The third eye- sorry I mean, pineal gland, has rods and cones in it. (pineal gland is associated with third eye or third eye chakra AKA ajna chakral. And if you don't know what chakras are, chakra is the name, in eastern traditions, for energy center. We have energy centers in our bodies. Whether it's the physical or energy body, or both, I don't know). I see it when I close my eyes too. I kind of want to enter a dark room, have it pitch black, and see what I see. It's nice because the pineal gland is activated by absence of light. Light stimulates it to wake you up for the day. That's why when the sun hits you you wake up