
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Midnight Gospel

 I just watched 2 episodes of this show that I thought I was going to love but I hate it. It's literally just talking. You're essentially watching a podcast with a bunch of stuff going on in the background. First off, whoever's in charge of this show is totally a shill. They're programming you. It will appeal to naive New Agers, since it's just filled with New Age /spiritual philosophies. Spirituality is good but why mix it with a bunch of garbage? I feel like I lost brain cells just by listening to the characters. They're so light and dumb to the point it makes me mad. I feel like that's what they want the population to be like, dumb and stupid, so they make cartoon characters like this. Go watch a clip of 'Teen Titans Go!' to see a prime example. First off the first episode talks about mindfulness which is great and all, but then tries to program you with their so-desired zombie apocalypse and make vaccines look like a good thing and a cure. I'