
Showing posts from February, 2023


 This world is a trap. Souls are lured into incarnating on Earth so they can be memory-wiped and contained in vessels, allowing non-physical entities to feed off of us. Our energy is valuable to them. It's a soul farm. For soul energy. I am conflicted. In prison planet theory and gnosticism communities they seem to focus on "archons" who exclusively harvest negative energy. However according to my research there are other beings who harvest any polarity of energy, negative and positive. You may ask me about this if you would like me to elaborate. Archons require negative energy to sustain their own existence. It's their "food". In a DMT trip report I heard of mantis beings using positive and negative memories of humans as a sort of "currency" in their world. Take a look at an old painting of a mantis being sitting on top of a resting human. It's by MC Escher.

Study of the non-physical realm

Well it seems we can "enter" this realm as SOON AS we're out of BODY. As soon as we're out of our bodies, we can go anywhere. How to navigate? Use your mind. Your mind dictates where you go, it is the instrument in which directs your travels. Sleeping is an OBE(Out of Body Experience), an out of body activity. I think that dreams are no different than "astral projection." You're simply drifting through the astral worlds creating and "dreaming" up a world based on yourself, your soul, your unconscious, what you perceive in waking reality, and more. Why do we forget our OBE experiences? Perhaps it is a mechanism of the human vessel. Or an attempt to render us, as immortal spiritual beings, more or less powerless being out of body. Another one of the memory wiping technologies in the astral. We forget falling asleep(without willpower and focused attention), and then we forget the "dream(experience in the astral)" when we wake up. And we

2/20/23 post

  The war against flesh and blood's importance pales in comparison to the war against the spirits of wickedness. Of course, war was never necessary. When you go to war, you engage with something you don't like. This results in energy exchanges and the potential for accumulation of karma. The solution is to let it dissolve in the light of your presence. This is the most noble thing a human can do. "But karma's not real! It's a lie to trap human souls." I use the word karma very loosely. Ask me to elaborate on this concept. There are spiritual entities that do not have our best interest in mind. They are, in Gnosticism, known as the archons(which is Greek for rulers) Of course, I view the term archon as a blanket term for a multitude of negative entities with a dark agenda with humanity in its sights. It's very plausible that this world is a soul farm/trap for "human" souls. Except we are not human, we are simply light beings in human vessels. The